Sven Preger becomes head of podcast in the NZZ editorial department

43-year-old Sven Preger will take over as head of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung podcast team on November 1, 2023. In this role, he will be responsible for the further development of the podcast strategy and the expansion of the NZZ's podcast offering in the German-speaking market.

(Image: Christian Daitche)

"Audio is an important field of innovation for NZZ, and we want to continue investing in it. Podcasts in particular are experiencing continuous growth in usage and are also strategically relevant for us. They open up new access to the NZZ portfolio and, in addition to our loyal readership, also appeal to a target group that is interesting and also economically important for the NZZ: a new and tending younger and female audience," will Eric Gujer, Editor-in-Chief of the New Zurich Newspaper, quoted in a statement." "Sven Preger has been involved in numerous major German podcast productions and knows the German-speaking podcast market well. He will further develop our podcast portfolio and expand it in the DACH region."

Sven Preger is reported to be one of the most respected audio experts in Europe. Among other things, he was co-host of the podcast "Deep Talk" on Deutschlandfunk Nova and chief reporter of the narrative science podcast "Quark's Stories". As a systemic coach and trainer, he has accompanied numerous format developments as well as strategy and change processes. In addition to public broadcasting, he has also worked with media houses such as the South German Newspaper and the news magazine The mirror advise

Preger studied journalism and political science at the Technical University of Dortmund and the University of Stockholm, did a traineeship at WDR and finally completed training as a systemic business coach. His radio and podcast work has won several awards, including the CNN Award, the German Social Award and the Environmental Media Award. He is the author of the textbook "Telling Stories: Storytelling for Radio and Podcast."

Until Sven Preger starts work on November 1, podcast and audio expert Susanne Witzig will lead the podcast team, which she has already been supporting as project manager since April. In collaboration with Preger, the long-time SRF head of department will already be working on the further development of the existing podcasts during this transitional period.

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