SevenOne Media continues to rely on Goldbach

SevenOne Media exercises its contractually granted option early, and extends its cooperation with Goldbach Group subsidiary Goldbach Media.


Goldbach Media has been marketing ProSieben for almost 20 years, and since 2011 has marketed SevenOne Media's entire portfolio of stations in Switzerland. This includes Sat.1, ProSieben, Kabel eins, Sixx, Sat.1 Gold, ProSieben Maxx and Puls 8. Now SevenOne Media has decided early on to exercise its renewal option, cementing the partnership for more years.

Andrea Haemmerli, Managing Director SevenOne, is pleased about the joint success story: "We've had an excellent working relationship with Goldbach Media in recent years. That's why we decided to unilaterally extend the cooperation for SevenOne Media's TV stations in Switzerland early on. We're taking this option as an expression of our trust."

For Alexander Duphorn, CEO Goldbach Media, the station portfolio is distinguished in particular by innovative in-house productions and successful international formats: "SevenOne Media's stations have had a pronounced Swiss affinity from the start. With the launch of Puls 8, the portfolio even offers a purely Swiss station. The individually positioned stations cover all target groups, creating an ideal advertising environment for successful TV campaigns."

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