Redimensioning: SRG will probably not be able to avoid reforms
Politicians from all camps now agree that after a No to the No Billag initiative, SRG will have to go over its books and start making cuts.
After a rejected No Billag initiative, carrying on as if nothing had happened - this option is no longer up for debate. At least if you take the politicians that the SonntagsZeitung has compiled in an overview as a yardstick.
Accordingly, even representatives of traditionally SRG-friendly parties are calling for a discourse on the public service. According to CVP President Gerhard Pfister, for example, there needs to be a debate about the size and content of SRG. And members of the National Council and the Council of States, such as Kathy Riklin and Beat Vonlanthen, are calling for a "redimensioning" of SRG. The FDP, GLP and even parts of the SP also want this.
FDP President Petra Gössi wants to further reduce the fees, which are to amount to only 365 francs from 2019. According to CVP Council of States member Vonlanthen, the fee pot should be reduced by at least 100 million. SP National Councilor and ex-SRF employee Matthias Aebischer also calls for the SRG to become "fitter and smaller.
Restrictions on advertising called for
According to the SonntagsZeitung, politicians agree on one point: online advertising is and will remain taboo for SRG. Kathy Riklin even goes one step further: The media politician demands that TV advertising also be further restricted and banned from TV after 8 p.m.
But the discussion is also about content. Jürg Grossen of the Green Liberals wants SRG to concentrate on pure journalism in the future and cut back on entertainment and sports events of non-national interest.
Kathy Riklin agrees that the entertainment sector should get the chop. According to the CVP politician, television should expand information, political and social contributions and well-founded debates, and instead cut back on "soft entertainment.
It is therefore quite possible that the SRG will be faced with a fundamental restructuring after a No Billag vote, which will place information broadcasts at the center and cut back on entertainment. The new concession that the Federal Council has decided on for SRG and the new media law that is planned will set guidelines here. (hae)