Play Suisse celebrates one million subscribers

Around three years after its launch, SRG's streaming platform is celebrating one million registered users. The viewing time per active session is just under one hour.

Picture: Play Suisse.

Less than three and a half years after its launch, the SRG streaming platform Play Suisse is celebrating more than one million registered users. This makes the platform the most-used login-based streaming platform in Switzerland after Netflix, and its content connects the different parts of the country across language borders. The content is available in the original language with subtitles in German, French and Italian, and sometimes also in Romansh. Around 40 percent of users consume content from other language regions.

The service is consumed most of the time via television. More than 42 percent of viewing time last year was spent on the big screen. If a user was logged in to Play Suisse, they spent an average of 58 minutes per active session on the SRG streaming platform in the last 12 months.

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