NZZ am Sonntag launches "Style" magazine
The NZZ am Sonntag is launching a new independent lifestyle magazine under the title "Stil - das Magazin für Lebensart. It will be inserted weekly in the "NZZ am Sonntag" from August 28.
The new magazine will replace the popular Stil-Bund and will be published on high-quality paper and in a classic, reader-friendly magazine format, according to a statement on Monday. It said the editorial team will focus on a lifestyle that is close to life and relevant in the new magazine. "The magazine is close to the everyday life of our readers. It is intended to provide orientation in the abundance of information on the subject of lifestyle - reliable and witty," says Katharina Blansjaar, the responsible department head. Readers will be able to enjoy rankings, tips and trends, as well as magazine-style background reports, opinions and columns. In addition to classic style topics such as fashion, design, indulgence, watches, beauty, cars, gadgets, travel and leisure, there will also be regular reports on the world of art, such as galleries, exhibitions and architecture, as well as lifestyle medicine.
The magazine "Stil" is an ideal addition to and reinforcement of existing campaigns for advertisers, the press release continues: With a price per thousand contacts of 31.80 Swiss francs, a broad, affluent readership with a high affinity for style can be reached.
Ad sales are handled by NZZ-Media.