Initiative to reduce SRG fees has come to fruition

The initiative to reduce radio and TV fees has been passed. The next step is for the Federal Council to decide on the so-called halving initiative. After the "No Billag" initiative, this is the second petition for a referendum directed against SRG fees.

The initiative committee had submitted almost 128,000 signatures to the Federal Chancellery on August 10. On Thursday, the federal government announced that a good 126,000 signatures are valid. This means that the politicians are now dealing with the Popular initiative "200 francs are enough! (SRG Initiative)".

The petition for a referendum wants to reduce radio and television fees from CHF 335 per household per year to CHF 200. The initiators argue that Switzerland has the highest device-independent fees in the world. Employers and businesses would be asked to pay twice.

The bisection initiative was launched by the SVP, the Swiss Trade Association SGV and the Young Freisinn. In addition to representatives of the SVP, the committee also includes representatives of the Freisinn, EDU, Lega and a former National Council member from the center.

In March 2018, voters rejected the "No Billag" initiative by 71.6 percent. Its aim was to abolish the fees altogether. In February 2022, on the other hand, voters rejected the media package by 55 percent. ( reported). It would have provided additional funding for various types of media. (SDA/swi)

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