Lucerne: More digital poster pillars, fewer analog ones
The contracts for the billboard sites in Lucerne with Clear Channel expire in mid-2024. The new tender provides for an increase in the number of digital poster pillars.
In Lucerne, the number of digital poster pillars is to be increased from seven today to 15. In addition, the number of poster sites is to be reduced by ten to around 550. This is what the city envisages in the tender for poster sites for the years 2024 to 2032, as it announced on Monday.
In Lucerne, the billboards on public land and on municipal properties are managed by Clear Channel Schweiz AG. The contracts expire on June 30, 2024, which is why a call for tenders is necessary.
The first digital billboards went into operation in Lucerne in 2016. They are not only used for advertising, but the city also publishes public information on them. According to the city, these pillars have created added value. Eight more digital poster pillars will therefore be created in the next few years.
High power consumption
However, the city is also aware that the moving advertising of the digital posters can also create hectic. The new contracts therefore contain strict specifications, the statement said. Because the power consumption of digital billboards is higher than that of analog billboards, the city removed about 60 billboards to compensate. Around ten more are to be removed from 2024. This will also create space in public areas and increase traffic safety, the city said. (sda)