Initiative launched to abolish Billag fees
The collection of signatures for an initiative to abolish Billag fees has been underway since Wednesday. The Federal Chancellery has published the text of the popular initiative to abolish radio and television fees in the Federal Gazette.
The initiative wants to ban subsidies for radio and television stations. No reception fees may be levied. In peacetime, the federal government should not be allowed to operate its own radio and television stations. For this purpose, concessions are regularly auctioned off to private companies. The initiative must be implemented by the beginning of 2018 or, if the vote is held later, at the beginning of the following year.
The initiators now have until December 11, 2015 to collect the 100,000 signatures required for the initiative to come to fruition. The collection deadline for another initiative, which also calls for the abolition of radio and TV reception fees, expires on May 12, 2015. (SDA)