
Gastromagazine Even after a comprehensive relaunch, Salz & Pfeffer remains as irreverent as ever.

Gastromagazine Even after a comprehensive relaunch, Salz & Pfeffer remains as irreverent as ever.ten (!) pages of wild garlic and a "gruusiger Cheib": the gastronomy magazine Salz & Pfeffer was redesigned in February and expanded its range of topics in the process. One of the new features is an interview in which the magazine talks about enjoyment. The first victim is Polo Hofer, to whom Salz & Pfeffer has given the above-mentioned honorary title. The recipes, which previously appeared in the Romano & Julienne supplement, have now been integrated into the magazine. To this end, the magazine is working with Fona Verlag, from whose books the recipes originate. In the February issue, you can conjure up delicacies such as wild garlic mousse on marinated asparagus and cream of beetroot soup with wild garlic dumplings. Another new feature is a multi-page special topic - "Cheese" to kick things off - and services such as tests, new products and tips on spirits.
Salt & Pepper has been graphically cleaned up. The layout should be more modern and magazine-like, says editor-in-chief Andrin C. Willi. The visual language has been refined and emphasized more strongly, and the information content has been increased with info boxes. Simplifying the reader guidance is also important: it should make it easier for younger readers to access Salz & Pfeffer. "You can now understand the magazine even if you haven't read it for years," says Willi happily. It is the first redesign since Daniel E. Eggli founded the magazine in 1990.
Positive reactions to redesign
Eggli's approach as a cheeky "magazine for food criticism and other satire" remains true to Salz & Peffer in its new guise. The target audience is still people who like to spend money on good food. They seem to like the redesign. "The phones at the publishing house were ringing off the hook after the February issue was published," says Willi. The reactions were consistently positive. And he promises: "We will remain the truffle pig for our readers and plow through the world of gastronomy and indulgence with big snouts."
Stefano Monachesi

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