The Swiss Media Association recommends a No to the No Billag initiative
At today's meeting, the Executive Committee of the Swiss Media Publishers Association (VSM) decided to vote against the No Billag initiative. The VSM believes that the initiative is too radical.
However, the intense debate has made it clear that SRG must distance itself from its expansion strategy and show consideration for private media offerings, according to a statement issued Thursday evening.
From the discussions held and the statements made publicly by SRG's top management, it is clear that SRG is willing to change, writes the VSM. This insight needs to be recorded in a binding self-restraint in the sense of a rich complementary media system in Switzerland. For more than a year, the association of private Swiss media companies has been working with SRG to set down these principles in a paper in the sense of an "entente.
In doing so, the VSM adheres to the positions summarized in the media policy manifesto. The Publishers Association supports the fee financing of SRG as a television and radio broadcaster. In return, it expects SRG not to use the privilege of fee financing to compete with private media offerings.
Restrictions in the online sector, withdrawal from Admeira
Specifically, the VSM demands the following: SRG must continue to limit itself to radio and television with a national bracket function. Only what is broadcast in the linear programs may also be offered online. SRG must not launch press-like digital offerings or audio-visual formats produced exclusively for the web. SRG must refrain from new forms of commercialization, namely online advertising (including targeted advertising on TV). When entering into cooperations, it must avoid market distortions and adhere to the requirement of equal treatment, fairness and transparency. "It must withdraw from the market-distorting Admeira advertising alliance," was the publishers' final and decisive demand. (pd/hae)