Bakom informs itself about quality assurance at Radio Lora

The Federal Office of Communications has asked Zurich local radio station Lora about the status of quality assurance and requested measures to ensure compliance. The corresponding answers are still pending.

Broadcasting at the alternative local radio station Lora in Zurich, probably taken in the mid-1980s. (Archive image:keystone/STR)

This is the result of the Federal Council's written answer to the National Council's question time published on Monday. However, as a licensed local radio station, Radio Lora must ensure certain program quality requirements, writes the Federal Council.

Nina Fehr Düsel from the SVP parliamentary group wanted to know from the Federal Councillor what he thought about Radio Lora giving left-wing extremist splinter groups a platform and even calling for police officers to be shot in songs.

The local station Radio Lora markets itself as a joint effort by volunteers, the Zurich SVP National Councillor noted. Diversity of opinion is as important as a controversial debate. Now, however, the local station has increasingly played anti-Semitic music and spread left-wing extremist ideas. "Despite this, Radio Lora receives CHF 740,000 a year in fees from the federal government," she wrote.

Zurich SVP National Councillor Mauro Tuena also wanted to know from the Federal Council what action it would take against the machinations at Radio Lora. He said that presenters repeatedly called for unauthorized demonstrations or other prohibited actions.

The Federal Council is aware of the allegations against Radio Lora, according to the response. Due to the constitutionally guaranteed independence of the media, it does not comment on specific program content.

As the supervisory authority, OFCOM had contacted the radio station and requested information on the status of quality assurance and the measures taken to ensure compliance. (SDA)

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