UPC Cablecom hosts media literacy courses

On the occasion of the international Safer Internet Day on February 11, 2014, Pro Juventute is holding free courses to sharpen children's online skills in the UPC Cablecom stores in Zurich, Lucerne, Olten and Basel.

Every year on the second Tuesday in February, Safer Internet Day is celebrated in over 100 countries worldwide. The aim on this day is to teach children and young people how to use online technologies and mobile devices responsibly.

The courses offered by UPC Cablecom and Pro Juventute are aimed at parents, teachers and interested parties. They include topics such as media use by children and young people, their own media use and attitudes towards new media, legal aspects of new media, as well as cyberbullying and other problematic phenomena, according to the company's statement on Monday.

Registrations are here received.

(Teaser image: Cablecom)

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