Numéro 10: Turbo sleep launched for the BFU

The Swiss Accident Prevention Bureau BFU wants to sensitize drivers to the phenomenon of drowsiness at the wheel and promote short sleep. To this end, it has launched a prevention campaign with Numéro 10 and introduced turbo sleep.


Fatigue is involved in around 10 to 20 percent of all traffic accidents. The only effective remedy for fatigue is sufficient sleep. If you feel tired before you start driving, it is better to avoid the vehicle. If there are signs of drowsiness while driving, it is essential to stop as soon as possible and recharge your batteries with a short sleep of ideally 15 minutes - this is turbo sleep. Taking a caffeinated drink before turbo sleep can increase its effectiveness. "Measures" such as listening to loud music, singing along loudly or open windows, on the other hand, do not help against the overtiredness.

To combat drowsiness at the wheel, the BFU - together with the TCS, the Road Safety Council and the Road Safety Fund (FVS) - has launched a three-year campaign. This is aimed at all car drivers, but also addresses different target groups in the course of each of the three years: Seniors, frequent professional drivers and young drivers. The campaign kicked off on Monday with the national Turbo Sleep Day (see pictures below).


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