New association wants more women in the film and advertising industry
Many entrepreneurial women feel inadequately represented in their industry. To counteract this, the Female Film & Advertising Association FFAA was founded. Derya Tuna and Laura Rindlisbacher form the board of the new association.
"More and more women are working in film and advertising in Switzerland - and with increasing success," emphasizes FFAA initiator Derya Tuna. The association wants to encourage women working in film and advertising to network better and stand up together for equal conditions in entrepreneurial competition.
A Study of the Federal Office for Culture from 2021 has shown that women have fewer career opportunities than men in the entire Swiss film industry - from cinema to advertising to television. The study highlighted disadvantages in areas such as wages, training, professional associations, funding and the filling of key positions.
"We are optimistic and fight for equal opportunities in our fascinating industry," says Tuna. The association targets all sectors of the professional advertising and film industry in Switzerland, from commissioned films, commercials and documentaries to TV productions. Its main concerns include the wage discussion and the presence of women in management positions.
The Female Film & Advertising Association FFAA plans a variety of activities such as panel discussions, lectures and information events. In addition, close relationships with national and international partner organizations, agencies, clients and filmmakers will be cultivated.
Tuna and Rindlisbacher on the Board of Directors
Derya Tuna and Laura Rindlisbacher are the two women who head the newly founded association.
Film producer Derya Tuna has been Managing Director and Executive Producer at Tuna Production in Zurich since 2014 and a board member of the Swiss Film Association since 2018.
Laura Rindlisbacher is a documentary film director. She started her career as a production assistant and junior producer at Stories. After a few years, she went into business for herself as a casting director. Her debut as a documentary director with the film "Cargo" was nominated for Best British Short Film at the 2022 London Short Film Festival LSFF.