Modern, entertaining communication with e-journal

With the support of Infel, the energy company Axpo is taking a new, digital approach to internal communication. The employees are enthusiastic.

As a leading Swiss energy company, Axpo is also looking for new, innovative solutions in its internal communications. This is why it recently launched the "Axpo Magazin aktuell", a Flash-based e-journal with compact, multimedia-based information.
Hot topics
The e-journal complements the existing print title "Axpo Magazine" and is dedicated specifically to the Axpo Group's quarterly management meetings, at which the latest topics are discussed. The most important findings are to be communicated to employees as directly as possible. "We see the e-journal as an online extension of the printed employee magazine in order to communicate the results of the management meetings in a timely and modern way," explains Michaela Schäfer, Head of Internal Communications at Axpo. The entertaining form of the medium motivates people to use it in depth. "This ensures that the important information is noticed by many employees," says Schäfer.
Packing and turning pages
Readers of the digital magazine will encounter eight magazine pages with editorially prepared and strikingly staged content. The pages can be "grabbed" and turned with the mouse. Almost every page unfolds changing or in-depth content at the click of a mouse. Finally, the "Axpo Magazin aktuell" invites its audience to give feedback via live voting. The "Axpo Magazin aktuell" was produced by Infel AG, which specializes in corporate publishing. As a full-service provider, Infel was responsible for the concept, content and technical implementation. "Intranet publications are a particular challenge in terms of programming because they usually have major technical limitations," says Michael Schär, Multimedia Coordinator at Infel. An employee survey at Axpo confirmed the decision to use the e-journal for internal communication: The vast majority were enthusiastic about the new means of communication.

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