Maybaum Film and EspaceSuisse bring inner development to the outside world
EspaceSuisse is the association for Swiss spatial planning and environmental issues. In Prangins, Lenzburg and Tinizong, Maybaum Film has portrayed three good examples of inner development on film.
Migration, urban sprawl, dwindling green spaces. In densely populated Switzerland, sensible spatial planning is particularly important. In order to make their work tangible and to inspire experts for the topic of inner development, EspaceSuisse commissioned a film series. Maybaum Film was awarded the contract and developed and implemented the project.
In terms of content, the films have a documentary character. For example, they tell how Tinizong in Graubünden was in danger of becoming a place of transit due to migration. Or how the Vaudois municipality of Prangins developed its village center to counteract the threat of urban sprawl. "The biggest challenge was to understand the complex subject matter and to tell a round story from a great deal of important information," says Michel Frutig, producer at Maybaum Film.
The film production team visited all the locations in advance and held intensive discussions with those responsible for the project, those involved and local residents. The three films were then shot on one day each with a crew consisting of a cameraman, producer/director and camera assistant.
The films are used on Densipedia.chthe Swiss platform for inner development and densification. They are also shown at events such as seminars and conferences, as well as at introductory courses in spatial planning.
Responsible at EspaceSuisseEsther van der Werf (Project Manager, Expert Film Lenzburg), Heidi Haag (Expert Film Tinizong), Alain Beuret and Rémy M. Rieder (Experts Film Prangins). Development, concept and production: Maybaum Film.