Goldbach Media: Partnership with Melectronics

Mel TV, Melectronics' in-store TV concept, is now being marketed by Goldbach Media. Mel TV allows the presentation of own and third-party advertising on around 4,500 HD screens in over 111 stores.

Mel TV can be booked individually or together with the screens from Media-Saturn Instore TV and CanalPoste in the "Goldbach Media Elektronik Pool". The three networks comprise a total of 10,032 screens, are represented at over 375 locations, and thus currently achieve a frequency of 2'074'819 gross contacts per week.

In Melectronics stores, the TV sets on display take up a large part of the sales area. Melectronics uses these screens for its own TV program, Mel TV. On Mel TV, both the company's own and third-party products and services are advertised in a creative way, directly at the POS (point of sale), where the customer is about to make a purchase decision and his attention is correspondingly high. The intelligent solution automatically filters out those offers that are actually available in the respective store. The advertisers thus reach their target group in an emotionally positively charged environment and in situations where no other media have access to the customer.


Modernization of Tamoil service station screens

In addition to the newly integrated network of Melectronics, the existing network of the long-standing partner Tamoil was optimized in the area of service stations, according to a statement. Tamoil has equipped 53 national locations with HD screens in 16/9 format. The screens show traffic and weather information as well as advertising in a loop, guaranteeing unlimited attention while refueling.

By modernizing the screens, Tamoil is optimally strengthening the "Goldbach Media Service Station Pool," according to the announcement. In addition to Tamoil, the pool also includes Migrolino, Migrol/Shell gas pumps and the Amscreen BP gas station stores. The four networks together currently consist of 987 screens at 241 locations and achieve a frequency of 1'046'264 gross contacts per week.

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