Evoq makes complex traffic hubs understandable for VBZ

Due to the timetable change in December 2021, the offer of VBZ has changed. The Zurich agency Evoq has therefore launched new stop posters for VBZ.

Evoq macht für die VBZSince the timetable change in December 2021, various changes to services have been in force throughout the entire area covered by Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich. These primarily affect the two transport hubs Central and Bellevue, where, among other things, the night network has changed significantly. Evoq has realized a new generation of bus stop posters on behalf of VBZ.

The new large-format posters are prominently displayed at Central and Bellevue. They focus less on individual stops and more on multifunctional transportation hubs, including the nighttime network.

The Bellevue plan shows the spatial connection with the surrounding stops at Stadelhofen station and the Opera House, while for Central the neighborhood is shown together with Bahnhofquai/HB as a whole. The precise listing of all stops in the plan should help to find the right line. The three-dimensional representation of the surrounding buildings and landmarks should also facilitate orientation on site. The posters thus complement the numerous mobile public transport apps and the regular VBZ stop information at the stops.

The plan bases were built from 3D and GIS data from Swisstopo. The proven representation from the SBB Trafimage world served as the design basis.

Customer: Zurich Transport VBZ. Responsible at Evoq: Christian Sutter. Project Management: Claudia Sutter. Graphic: Martha Bonk.

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