St. Galler Olmabratwurst & Co.: Aldi Suisse with new own regional brand

Saveurs Suisses - this is the name of Aldi Suisse's new own-brand regional brand, with which the retailer intends to expand its regional range with certified products.

From Thursday, October 20, 2022, Aldi Suisse customers will be able to buy a wide selection of regional products: The retailer is launching Saveurs Suisses, a new own-brand regional product with 36 items to start. Products available will include ravioli and gnocchi from Ticino, St. Gallen Olmabrat sausage, Bündner Nusstorte, Basler Läckerli, meat and cheese specialties from western Switzerland such as Saucisson au Gamay, Reblochon de Moudon or St-Etienne, glacé and organic yogurt from the Bernese Seeland, tartufi from Sedrun, Valais jams and much more.

Aldi Suisse attaches importance to regional producers

All products meet at least the requirements of Swissness legislation. Some products also carry the AOP or IGP certification. Some items already have or will in future additionally receive regio.garantie certification. Promoting and strengthening regional producers is important to the Swiss retailer: "For the launch of Saveurs Suisses, cooperation with regio.garantie is essential," says Jérôme Meyer, Country Managing Director of Aldi Suisse. "As part of the Swiss Regional Products Association and regio.garantie, we are even more successful in making these gems of Swiss culinary art accessible to more people while promoting local producers."

Continuous expansion of the range

The new products are produced regionally, but are not only offered in their region of origin, but throughout Switzerland. The typical Swiss silhouette pattern on the packaging, created by silhouette artist Esther Gerber, is intended to offer a high recognition value. To make it clear at first glance which region the product comes from, the packaging also includes a map of Switzerland next to the Saveurs Suisses logo, on which the corresponding region is colored.
The new regio own brand is to be continuously expanded: By the end of 2023, the plan is to offer around 100 Saveurs Suisses articles permanently throughout Switzerland - many of them regio.garantie-certified. The range will be supplemented both by temporarily available promotional items and by items that will be available exclusively in the stores of certain regions.

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