Marco Odermatt and Sunrise intensify their cooperation
Sunrise is continuing its partnership with Marco Odermatt and will act as a premium partner in the future. The collaboration is set for the next five years. The ski star is involved in the current advertising campaign of the Sunrise Smart Wi-Fi Pod, and his social media campaign "Marco On Tour" will start soon.
The two-time overall World Cup winner Marco Odermatt and Sunrise, since May 2022 the Main partner of Swiss-SkiThe two companies have agreed on a long-term collaboration in which Sunrise will act as Marco Odermatt's premium partner in the future. Already last season, Marco Odermatt let his fans participate in the daily racing routine as part of the Sunrise video series "Marco-on-Tour" and was part of the Sunrise advertising campaign. According to the announcement, this partnership will now be further intensified in the coming years.
For André Krause, CEO of Sunrise, intensifying the collaboration with Marco Odermatt makes sense for many reasons: "Marco Odermatt is currently the best ski racer in the world and is stringing together success after success. With his ambitions and successes, Marco lives the Sunrise motto 'Dream Big. Do Big' every day and we are convinced that the intensified cooperation will be a win-win for both us and Marco."
Odermatt can be seen in Sunrise's current advertising campaign promoting the Smart WiFi pod. Sunrise is also giving ski fans a personal insight into Marco's world this season, for example with the first social media episode of "Marco On Tour ", which will be broadcast shortly before the planned start of the season in Sölden.