Focus on sugar avoidance: Coca-Cola renames Coca-Cola Zero

Because Switzerland likes to drink Coca-Cola Zero so much, Coca-Cola has adapted the recipe and the name for the anniversary.


Since its launch ten years ago, Coca-Cola Zero sugar has been a success story and has been very popular with Swiss consumers right from the start. There is hardly any other country in the world where per capita consumption of Coca-Cola Zero is as high as in Switzerland. Just in time for the anniversary, Coca-Cola wants to give the drink another boost in sales: a new recipe developed over many years is intended to bring the taste even closer to the original, while the new name "Coca-Cola Zero Zucker" underlines the complete absence of sugar and calories.

In the 1980s, Coca-Cola light was launched with a somewhat lighter and more citrus-like flavor, followed ten years ago by Coca-Cola Zero, which, apart from dispensing with sugar and calories, is supposed to be more similar to the original than Coca-Cola light. In 2015, Coca-Cola Life, sweetened with plant-based stevia, completed the range. Today, line-conscious consumers have various alternatives to the original to keep sugar and calorie consumption low. To more clearly communicate this added value to consumers and highlight the benefits of Coca-Cola Zero, "Coca-Cola Zero" - with zero sugar and zero calories - has been renamed "Coca-Cola Zero Sugar," the company announced Wednesday. (hae/pd)

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