The web agency Joinbox becomes "Helga"

After 15 years as Joinbox, the agency is changing its brand. With the name "Helga", the agency wants to emphasize that it creates digital solutions with people for people.

Joinbox was founded in 2009, when the start-up brought together news sources such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and email. The basic idea: joined inboxes - Joinbox.

In 2012, the Bern-based company became a web agency and has since been developing digital solutions for and with customers in which user experience and technology go hand in hand. The new brand is intended to communicate this promise more aptly under the name "Helga".

A name for people

But why "Helga"? "We create solutions that inspire people. We support our customers and love their users. Helga, a name for people: What better way to communicate this closeness to people?" says partner and CEO Felix Steiner, explaining the name change.

With the name comes a new brand in blue, white and black - the original colors of the Internet. A website that uses videos instead of images, local partners for branding and videography as well as a Bern ticker symbolize Helga's approachability.

Digital communicates analog

The company announced the change to its biggest customers with a gift intended to emphasize its closeness: An old, heavy telephone; when Helga picks up the receiver, it rings.

The new brand was unveiled with a shipment of 300 table bombs. The cover explained the change and introduced it with: "Joinbox is going. With a bang.". When ignited, the new brand was revealed under a shower of confetti.

A clear focus

Helga describes her own offering with the byline "Digital ideation, design & development". "With 10 employees, we cover everything a website or application needs. The new brand places a stronger focus on our expertise in the areas of ideation, user experience and design," says Partner and COO Raphael Marti, describing the strategic brand positioning.

The new brand should therefore express more precisely what the company already stands for today. Technically, Helga remains true to its focus on the CMS Drupal, the use of open source technologies and the development of digital solutions on site in Bern.

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