Media Research Group agency rating: Sir Mary at the top for the first time

Sir Mary takes the win for the first time in this year's Media Research Group advertising agency rating. The agency was polled for the first time two years ago.

In 2022, Sir Mary had narrowly missed out on the top spot. Now the Zurich agency wins for the first time the agency rating of the Media.Research.Group - ahead of Jung von Matt and Ruf Lanz. Sir Mary took top marks for overall impression and was also ranked first in the "Digital Expertise" category. Two second places were awarded for the categories "Strategy" and "Consulting".

"There is no harder currency in the agency market than the opinion of clients. That's why we are extremely pleased with the top ranking," says Maurizio Rugghia (center), co-founder and Managing Partner.

2023, as in the previous year, 372 top 750 advertising clients took part in the Advertising Market Study, the sponsoring study of the Advertising Agencies Agency Rating. The Advertising Agencies Agency Rating, which has been conducted together with the Media Agencies Agency Rating since 2003, is based exclusively on the judgments of advertising clients.

The survey polled 22 traditional advertising agencies known to work with at least ten clients from the top 750 and which could be expected to be evaluated by them. All agencies cleared this hurdle. The survey was conducted between mid-January and mid-March by the Media.Research.Group performed online.

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