Axa continues its commitment to women's soccer
As the main sponsor of the Florijana Ismaili development association, which aims to get young women into football, Axa now has another partnership in women's football to add to its existing commitments.
In parallel to its existing commitments to Swiss women's football - as presenting partner of the league and cup competitions - Axa Insurance has also been supporting the Florijana Ismaili - FI9 support association as its main sponsor for the first time this year. The association was founded in August 2019 in the name of the footballer Florijana Ismaili, who sadly passed away far too early, and organizes training sessions for girls and young women at various locations in Switzerland.
In this way, Axa aims to help make women's soccer accessible to all and to boost the self-confidence and self-esteem of girls and young women through the sport - in keeping with the brand promise "Know You Can," with which the insurance company also encourages its customers to believe in themselves.
Responsible at Axa: Sandro Singer, Head of Sponsorship Project Women's Football.