"Advertiser:in of the Year" 2025: After the nomination is before the vote

On Thursday, the jury will decide who should be given a chance to win the title of "Advertiser:in of the Year" 2025. The nominees will be announced in mid-February. Anyone who registers for the m&k newsletter by Monday, January 20 will be included in the community voting at the end of February.

At December 2024, the m&k Community potential nominees for the title "Advertiser:in of the Year" 2025. The process is now entering another exciting phase: on Thursday, January 16, 2025, the jury will meet to select the final nominees from the list of nominees. The announcement will be made in mid-February at Market-kom.com.

Who will ultimately become "Advertiser:in of the Year" 2025 will be decided by voting as usual and is not solely in the hands of the jury. As usual, the community's vote will also count. The jury and the community will each share 50 percent of the vote. The decisive Newsletter voting takes place from February 24 to 28, 2025 held.

Still no:e subscriber to our free m&k newsletter? Then now is the time! Only those who registers by January 20, 2025 at the latest is eligible to participate. All votes cast will be checked for validity at the end of the voting process.

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