"Advertiser:in of the Year" 2024: What happens next

The "Advertiser:in of the Year" jury will meet on Friday to decide who should be given a chance to win the prestigious "Egon" this year. The nominees will be announced in mid-February. There is an important change in the voting process.

In December 2023 was able to m&k advertisingweek.ch Community participationwho should be given a chance to be nominated for the title of "Advertiser:in of the Year" in 2024. The community vote was met with great interest: a total of 30 names were put forward, of which the ten most frequently mentioned will now be presented to the jury. The judging will take place on Friday, January 19, 2024, when the final nominees will be determined.

The final winner of "Advertiser:in of the Year" 2024 will be decided by voting as usual. The jury has 50 percent voting rights, the other 50 percent will be determined in the familiar newsletter voting.

Important Amendment in the newsletter voting

The newsletter voting will take place from February 26 to March 1, 2024 and comes with an important change. As before, only those with a free newsletter subscription from m&k advertisingweek.ch owns. However, there is another new requirement: The Registration for the newsletter must be completed by January 19, 2024to be able to cast a valid vote. All votes are subsequently checked accordingly.

So sign up for the newsletter todayto have a say in who should be "Advertiser:in of the Year" in 2024.

Update February 2024: Voting will no longer take place from February 19 - 26, but from February 26 to March 1, 2024.

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