SAIA: Call for Entries for the Best Animated Commissioned and Commercial Films

Animated commissioned productions completed after June 30, 2022 that feature a significant Swiss contribution can apply for the SAIA and win not only a trophy, but a free entry in the race for the Edi.23.

Fantoche, together with its presenting partner the Swissfilm Association, is looking for the best animated commissioned and commercial films of the past year. The SAIA - Swiss Animation Industry Award - is now accepting submissions produced after June 30, 2022. The best submission will win a trophy and a free entry in the race for Edi.23, the Swiss Commissioned and Commercial Film Award.

Here films can be submitted free of charge, the number of works submitted and their duration are not limited. All animated commissioned productions that were completed after June 30, 2022 and feature a significant Swiss contribution are eligible. A jury of experts will select the shortlist and the winner(s) of this year's SAIA at the Swiss Animation Industry Award.

The award will be presented during an award ceremony at the SAIA - Swiss Animation Industry Award on September 8, 2023.


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