Ricola is the most trusted brand 2020
The herbal candy manufacturer Ricola prevails over its competitors for the second time and wins the award "Promarca Brand of the Year 2020" again this year after 2017.
Havas Switzerland, in collaboration with Management Tools Research, surveyed the most dynamic and trusted brands in Switzerland. Consumers voted Ricola the most trusted brand among Promarca members.
Ricola already won the "Brand of the Year" award in 2017. "Ricola is not only the most trusted brand in the Brand Predictor 2020, but is also one of the big winners among all 421 brands surveyed," Nathalie Diethelm, CEO Havas Worldwide Switzerland, is quoted as saying. "After the cancellation of the 'Who Invented It' communicative platform in 2013, Ricola's momentum suffered somewhat. In recent years, however, Ricola has managed to regain its former strength through a strong presence, communicatively but also in retail, as well as through clever product development and diversification. Ricola convinces with a high consistency of the brand promise and continuously builds on its strengths and meets the zeitgeist and taste of consumers with its product developments."
Actually, the "Promarca Brand of the Year" should have been awarded on the day of the brand, which would have taken place on Thursday. However, due to the Corona crisis, the event was canceled. (pd/swi)
Havas Switzerland, in collaboration with Management Tools Research, has surveyed the most dynamic and trustworthy brands in Switzerland. The study, which is representative of the population, was conducted this year among 3,213 people in German- and French-speaking Switzerland and covers a total of 421 brands.