These are the best app service providers in Switzerland

Best of Swiss Apps has determined a ranking of the best app service providers from the points collected so far over the past ten years. Not much has changed in the first places.

The Best of Swiss Apps Awards have been awarded for the tenth time this year. From the points collected so far in the years 2013 to 2022, the organizers have now compiled a ranking of the best app service providers. The results showed that no fewer than six service providers were able to retain their positions at the top of the table.

These are the top ten app service providers in Switzerland in 2022:

1. apps with love
2. ubique innovation
3. bitforge
4. three pole
5. netcetera
6. JLS Digital
7. staay
8. milk interactive
9. Merkle Switzerland (Namics)
10 Approppo

Here you can go to the ranking of the previous year.

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