BOSW Agency Ranking 2017: The Most Successful Web Agencies in Switzerland

Hinderling Volkart defends the top spot among the most successful Swiss web agencies for another year. Overall, the top five remain in their positions. Jung von Matt and Hinderling Volkart were the first agencies to achieve more than 200 points.


The detailed presentation of the Swiss web agency sector published annually by Best of Swiss Web is based on the one hand on the medal table of the Best of Swiss Web Award, which has now been running for seventeen years, and on the other hand on a comprehensive survey of the economic and thematic reviews and outlooks of the most important digital companies in Switzerland. The digital agency ranking is compiled annually by the Best of Swiss Web and Netzwoche.

Hinderling Volkart at the top again this year

Confirmation at the top: Hinderling Volkart remains at the top of the rankings this year. Together with Jung von Matt, Hinderling Volkart exceeds the previously unattained score of 200 points for the first time. The first five positions at the top also remain stable. Hinderling Volkart, Jung von Matt, Namics, Unic and Liip are thus extending their points lead. Freundliche Grüsse and MySign are the agencies that have made the greatest progress in the rankings. Freundliche Grüsse catapulted from 78th to 20th place, while the Master of Swiss Web 2017, MySign, moved up from 39th to 25th place.

Agency ranking Best of Swiss Web 2017
Rank 2017 Company Points previous year BoSW points 2001-2017
1 Hinderling Volkart 195 218
2 Jung von Matt/Limmat 191.5 207.83
3 Namics 163.1 199.1
4 Unic 157.5 191.5
5 Liip 107.4 135.4
6 Wirz 104.5 123.5
7 Station 107 113.5
8 Notch Interactive 79.2 89.7
9 Equipe 70 86
10 Eyekon 81 82.5
11 Netvertising 75 76
12 Maxomedia 73.7 74.7
13 Getunik 53 53
14 Goldbach Interactive 46.7 46.7
15 Crealogix 43.5 43.5
16 Netcetera 40.8 40.8
17 Futurecom 30.5 31.5
18 Contexta 29.5 30.5
19 Zeix 27.5 29.16
20 Räber Information Management 25 25
20 Kind regards 6 25
20 Raptus 25 25
23 OgilvyOne 23 23
23 Unblue Inc 23 23
25 MySign 11 22
26 Gold Interactive 19.5 19.5
27 Sybit 19 19
28 Panter 7 18
28 Divio 18 18
30 Guava Studios 17 17
30 oSkope media 17 17
30 X-Site 17 17
Source: Best of Swiss Web
The "eternal best list" in the individual categories 2001-2017
Category 1st place 2nd place 3rd place
Business Crealogix Unic Namics
Digital branding; Campaigns Jung von Matt/Limmat Equipe (formerly Serranetga) Wirz
Digital Performance; Campaigns Equipe Jung von Matt/Limmat Wirz
Creation Hinderling Volkart Netvertising Jung von Matt / Limmat
Innovation Liip Namics Hinderling Volkart
Mobile Hinderling Volkart Netcetera Notch Interactive
Marketing Station Jung von Matt/Limmat Namics
Public Affairs Eyekon Liip Unic
Technology Namics Liip Hinderling Volkart
Usability Unic Namics Getunik
Video Wirz JWT/Factory Jung von Matt/Limmat
Source: Best of Swiss Web

The largest agencies in Switzerland

The technology providers Zühlke Engineering and Elca Informatik dominate the ranking of agencies and web service providers with the highest turnover. They are followed by the full-service agencies Namics and Unic. The complete list up to 65th place can be as PDF can be downloaded directly from

What's keeping the web industry busy?

Agencies are increasingly grappling with the digital transformation. It was in this year's Agency surveywhich was carried out by Netzwoche as part of the Best of Swiss Web Awards, was the top topic and even gained in importance compared to the previous year's survey. In second place comes the shortage of skilled workers - a perennial issue for several years now. The mobile megatrend was also mentioned very often as the most relevant topic of the year.

These Topics are keeping agencies most busy this year:

  1. Digital transformation

  2. Recruiting, skills shortage

  3. Mobile

  4. E-commerce

  5. Order situation

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