Agency ranking 2021: Dentsu, Farner and Publicis in front
The agency industry has gone through a difficult year and a half of crisis. However, LSA agencies were able to keep earnings stable thanks to a high degree of flexibility and adaptability. This is shown by the 2021 agency ranking of Leading Swiss Agencies.
At the outset, the Corona crisis also had a very rapid impact on the agency landscape in Switzerland. Communications budgets were the first to be cut, even though organizations are particularly challenged to remain present, especially in difficult times. Agencies had to plan for the future with great caution and implement appropriate measures quickly, as they are exposed to an extremely dynamic market environment and had to adapt to economic changes correspondingly quickly in this exceptional situation. Thanks to the flexibility, adaptability and digital know-how required in a modern working world and present in LSA agencies, they were able to cope well with the crisis under difficult conditions. This is also reflected in the new LSA agency ranking.
Accumulated earnings of 553 million
Last year, the LSA agencies generated cumulative revenues of CHF 553 million. It must be taken into account that after the merger of the two associations LSA and BPRA 16 agencies Leading Swiss Agencies have joined and influence the total revenue accordingly. The ranking is based on an evaluation of the gross operating revenues (BBE) achieved by the LSA agencies for 2020 and provides an overview of the communications and media agencies in Switzerland organized in the association. It is compiled by Leading Swiss Agencies among its 97 members and is regarded as a guide in the Swiss communications market.
New TopTen and Agency Group Ranking
In addition to the already familiar, separately evaluated rankings of communications and media agencies, a ranking of agency groups and two TopTen rankings were created for this year. They serve as an extension of the existing rankings with an annually changing relevant topic, which gives a broader picture of the LSA agencies than just hard facts. The TopTen ranking provides an additional perspective on diversity by gender and number of native languages spoken in LSA agencies.
Balanced gender distribution in the LSA agencies
Diversity by gender refers to their balance across all levels of the hierarchy, not just at the management level. This gives a more comprehensive view of the gender balance in the agencies. Diversity by native language shows the diversity of the cultural background of agency staff*. In the premiere ranking of gender balance in LSA agencies, Agence Trio ranked first in the category of agencies with up to 40 employees*. For agencies with more than 40 employees, the ranking is led by Republica. The leaders in the TopTen ranking by mother tongue are Mainland (less than 25 employees) and Mediabrands (25 plus employees).
Dentsu Switzerland AG maintains 1st place
The 18 ranked LSA media agencies generated around CHF 145 million in 2020. Dentsu Switzerland is once again at the top of the LSA media agency rankings.
Rank 1 for Farner Consulting in the ranking of communication agencies
The most profitable of the 78 communications agencies is Farner Consulting. The market leader Farner Consulting AG operates as an integrated agency with gross operating income of between CHF 30 and 40 million, putting it at the top of the rankings.
Publicis is leader among agency groups
As an agency group with Publicis Zurich, Publicis Media Switzerland and Publicis Communications Lausanne, the Publicis Group occupies the leader position in the ranking of LSA agency groups. The two owner-managed agencies of the Jung von Matt Group and the Wirz Group follow in second place.