"Ad Net Zero" program unveiled in Cannes: Advertising leaders want the net zero industry
Leading representatives of the largest companies and associations in the global advertising industry are planning to launch the Ad Net Zero campaign across countries.
The world's largest advertising agency holding companies, Dentsu international, Havas, Interpublic Group, Omnicom, Publicis Groupe and WPP, as well as Unilever - one of the world's largest advertisers - global technology companies Google and Meta, and European media company Sky are joined by US trade associations ANA, 4A's and IAB, the European and global agency associations EACA and Voxcomm, the WFA, which represents global advertisers, and the IAA to expand the Ad Net Zero program from the UK to other major advertising markets.
Ascential, which owns Lions, has played an important role in convening this international action to address the climate crisis. The group has invited other organizations with international reach to join and support the rollout plans.
The Ad Net Zero program was launched in the UK in November 2020 by the Advertising Association, ISBA and the IPA and counts over 100 advertisers, agencies, commercial media owners and production companies among its members. All partners in the global coalition are supporters in the UK and have committed to developing campaigns to expand Ad Net Zero to other key markets.
The focus of the Ad Net Zero group will be to work with the UK team to quickly develop plans for rollout in key advertising markets, with an immediate focus on the US and EU. Going forward, progress will be shared and discussed every summer at Cannes Lions and every November at the Global Summit in line with the COP event.
Power of advertising should be used
Stephen Woodford, Chief Executive of the Advertising Association, says: "Our 5-point action plan is to reduce CO2 emissions from UK advertising activity to net zero by 2030, with companies committing to robust, verified plans to reduce their emissions. It also aims to harness the power of advertising to accelerate the shift to more sustainable products and services for consumers. We are excited to now be working on a roadmap for international development, with the flexibility to adapt and develop market-specific solutions and share best practices in sustainable advertising activities. We welcome any organizations interested in contacting us to learn more."
More information on the website of Ad Net Zero