Generating Buzz - a fly conquers the advertising world
The uninvited, six-legged guest at the vice presidential debate became a marketing tool in no time.
On Thursday night, the U.S. election campaign featured the televised debate between incumbent Vice President Mike Pence and Democrat Kamala Harris, who is running alongside Joe Biden. In the aftermath, there was much discussion about the debate, such as how much more civilized it was compared to the previous presidential debate. But what also caused a big echo: the fly that made itself comfortable on the head of Republican Mike Pence for about two minutes.
Less than half an hour passed after the debate, and the opposition had already turned the fly into a marketing tool. With the request "Pitch in 5 dollars to help this campaign fly," Joe Biden posted on his Twitter channel a picture of himself with a fly swatter in his hand.
A short time later, a flyswatter branded with "Truth over Flies" also appeared on Joe Biden's campaign site. It was sold out within a very short time.
However, the fly is not only a welcome subject in the election campaign for the US presidency. The Swedish company, which has nothing whatsoever to do with American politics but offers pest control products - and thus also fly swatters - has referred to the debate fly in its current ad campaign. Around You, an agency from Gothenburg, has created a simple but amusing print campaign for the retailer.
So it's quite possible that the bow tie - like the Art Basel banana in 2019 - will serve as inspiration for further advertising campaigns.