Zimmermann Communications makes Swiss SMEs more successful for Localsearch

Localsearch has launched the marketing solution "DigitalONE" in 2020. This should bring more inquiries, more reservations, and more recommendations for SMEs. Zimmermann Communications has now designed and implemented a current campaign.

Localsearch is going into the next round with its SME marketing solution "DigitalONE": While the launch campaign last fall communicated the "all in" idea, the current campaign focuses on decision-makers from Swiss SMEs who have already benefited from the "DigitalONE" solution.

The campaign was designed and implemented by Zimmermann Communications and runs nationwide on TV, online and on social media. The measures also lead to the landing page, which has been revised for the new phase Digitalone.ch.

Responsible at Localsearch: Vanessa Marr (CMO), Pascal Robache (Head of Marketing), Florence Kälin-Studer (Senior Marketing Manager), Ruba Afram (Senior Marketing Manager). Responsible at Zimmermann Communications: Dominik Mätzener (GF Consulting), Christoff Strukamp (Creative Direction), Lara Cavelti, Florian Bieniek (Project Management), Hekuran Abdyli (AD/Graphics). Responsible at Markenfilm Switzerland (film production): Klaus Kneist (Director), Pierre Castillo Bernad (DoP/Photo), Michael Gloor (Producer). Programming/Realization landing page: Lab360. Media Planning: Mediaschneider. Programmatic Advertising: Gamned.

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