Times of upheaval: Stories with a new incendiary film for the NZZ

The current brand film is intended to convey how the NZZ offers its readers orientation and classification in times of upheaval. With a collage-like presentation, Stories shows how the topics of upheaval are connected with each other.

After the multiple award-winning Fire film "Cursor" from 2022 wants the NZZ achieve great impact with another film. "Made for times of upheaval" addresses the major changes that the world and the readers of the NZZ The challenges we face include geopolitical shifts caused by wars in Europe and the Middle East, the rise of new political and economic players and social upheaval caused by artificial intelligence. In this mixed situation, the NZZ offer credible journalism, factual accuracy and liberal foresight, classify events and provide orientation for the future. The high quality of the journalistic craft in which the NZZ is the focus here. "The NZZ is made for times of upheaval. We wanted to show this in the film," says Johannes Berchtold, Head of Customer Marketing & Branding at NZZ.

Like its predecessor "Cursor", the current film was also produced in close collaboration between the NZZ and the production company Stories. It was once again directed by Tobias Fueter: "It is always an exciting challenge to build on the success of a previous commercial. We wanted to retain recognition elements and the brand identity while creating a fresh, innovative idea," says Fueter. "Umbruch stands in a journalistic context and symbolizes our time of change. With the new NZZ-film, we have found a relevant and contemporary approach that gets to the heart of what the NZZ stands for inspiration, for classification and for orientation."

The commercial will be shown in Switzerland and Germany on various social media channels, on the web, on TV and in selected cinemas. It is the centerpiece of a large-scale campaign that will promote the products of the NZZ will come into focus.

Responsible for NZZ: Johannes Berchtold (Head Customer Marketing & Branding, Strategy & Concept), Valerio Cerlito (Image Rights), Stella Elenoglou (Awareness Measures Switzerland), Laura Rietz (Awareness Measures Germany). Responsible at Stories: Yves Bollag (Executive Producer), Tobias Fueter, Nicole Spring (Director), Patrick Viert (Concept/Idea), Nicole Spring (Producer), Filipe Carvalho, Michael Neithardt, Palmy Inn (Motion Design / Title / Colorgrading), Tobias Fueter (Editing), Edoardo Moruzzi (Head of Postproduction), Amelie Plüss (Speaker), Sprecherdatei (Voicerecording), DubDub (Mix & Sounddesign), Soohm Studio (Research), The Racer and The Racer Piano Version by Tristan Barton, The next step by Turpak, Brightest by Ardie Son (Music).

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