Wirz for Migros Online: Imperfect shopping moments
The new campaign for Migros Online shows online shopping from a fresh perspective and provides intimate insights into how people really shop in their everyday lives.
Online grocery shopping is becoming an integral part of everyday life for more and more people. To promote Migros Online - the retailer's online store - Wirz has now developed a campaign that not only highlights the advantages of online shopping, but also makes clear how wonderfully casually it fits into every day: here, you store where, when and how you want.
The associated subjects show shopping from the perspective of the smartphone or computer. Thus, the viewer gets an almost voyeuristic view of the shopping moments of the protagonists of the Migros cosmos. It's not always from a favorable angle, and sometimes things go wrong in the stories, but it still makes clear how convenient, uncomplicated and practical Migros Online really is. And it doesn't matter whether you store in the office, at the lake, on the toilet, or on the go.
The campaign can be seen on TV, (D)OOH, social media and display ads and will be continuously supplemented by new subjects on various topics and current affairs in the coming months.
Responsible at Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund: Michel Noverraz, Kristian Brändle, Désirée Strassmann Sabine Ruchty (umbrella brand); Melanie Reiterhauser, Andrea von Kaenel (Migros Online); Simone Blaser (Media). Responsible at Wirz Group: Jan Kempter, Marcus Josty, Zara Velchev, Björn Bippus, Adrian Busse, Najla Becirovic, Sutthikit Tuti, Janina Ulrich, (creation); Laura Saner, Francesca Kleinstück (storyline); Ria Breitenmoser, Andrea Müller, Carolina Jiménez, Thomas Burkhardt (consulting); Hinrich Wittern (strategy); Erasmo Palomba, Ruwanie Hayoz (agency producing); Giovanni Bucca, Thomas Peller, Yussef Serrat, Andrea Bosshard, Oliver Fäs, Sonja Jegen (WMR). Responsible at Stories: Stories AG (Film Production): Janic Halioua (Director of Photography); Michèle Seligmann (Executive Producer); Karina Kirschner (Line Producer); Peter Scherz (Equipment); Wolfgang Weigl (Edit); Jingle Jungle (Soundtrack); Dan Cermak (Photographer).