TBWA\Zurich and McDonald's welcome everyone

The darker the days, the brighter the golden M shines: TBWA\Zurich launches McDonald's current winter campaign with the claim "A place that shines for everyone".

At McDonald's, the whole of society comes together: Big Mac, Fries, McFlurry and Co. make no distinction in terms of origin, status, age or religion. And not just in the dining room, but also in the kitchen. Especially in times when many things are drifting apart, the more than 180 restaurants throughout Switzerland are an important, common meeting point - a safe haven where everyone experiences genuine hospitality.

This spirit is being brought together for the first time in the current TBWA\Zurich winter campaign: The platform "A place that shines for everyone" communicates all seasonal offers, products and promotions. The focus is on the message that there really is something on offer for everyone.

For those who like to play, for example, the game "Golden Slide": exclusively playable in the McDonald's app, fans and guests have been able to win various prizes since the beginning of December. A quirky TV commercial was created for the game, in which a family glides along the road to McDonald's on their way to the Christmas vacations in dreamlike safety and at the same time wonders about all the winners of the game on the side of the road.

As always, the McRaclette will also be back on time - with or without crispy bacon. And for those who love to reflect, there's a Big Mac Christmas bauble that can be purchased with bonus points.

The campaign's message also radiates from billboards across the country: "A place that shines for everyone" is effectively presented by McDonald's as a refuge for everyone in the dark winter.

Responsible at McDonald's: Sandrine de Cerjat, Daria Lowe, Audrey Parance, David Smadja, Jessica Dumoulin, Morgane Zillweger, Dana Cañizares. Responsible at TBWA\Zurich: Manuel Wenzel, Reto Clement, Monelle Kanza, Mathias Bart, Patrick Milles, Davide Schenker, Katharina Binder (creation), Julia Kerschbaumer (consulting/project management), Agnes Meier (Head of Production), Toni Rubera, Noemi Rubera (DTP). Responsible at ViDo Production: Nicolao Negrello (Video Producer). ProductionStories, Giger Brothers, Swipe Back. Image processing: Lorenz Wahl.

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