Studio Thom Pfister stages encounters for Melanie JeanRichard
Studio Thom Pfister accompanies Melanie JeanRichard - Mediterranean Flowers also in 2021 with a creative concept and invites creative people to participate.
Creative people were invited to collaborate on the project. "Encounters - flowers from Melanie meet people or encounters of all kinds!" was the given theme. Many exciting, lively, spontaneous or staged moments were sought. With themselves, with the delivery of flowers, the accompaniment of life situations or completely free stagings.
All participants could pick up flowers at MJR for inspiration. Over 20 creatives have submitted their work so far. And more are coming all the time. The project will be accompanied via social media, on MJR's website and at a later date by an art magazine, posters and an exhibition.
Responsible at MJR: Melanie JeanRichard (Owner). Responsible agency: Studio Thom Pfister. Illustration: Isabella Bühler, Niels Blaesi, Martina Walther. Photography: Annette Fischer, Jonas Kambli, Lea Moser, Urs Bigler, Ursula Sprecher, Sabina Bösch.