Salt & Water for CHC: This is how easy it is to make e-mobility work

In a new campaign for CKW, Salz & Water shows a B2B target group how easy it can be for companies to get started with e-mobility.

E-mobility is on everyone's lips - so that companies too can make their vehicle fleets fit for the future, the Salz & Water agency is now addressing a B2B target group with a new campaign. The market for charging solutions is highly competitive. The campaign focuses on the simplicity with which companies can connect to e-mobility. The spot therefore conveys a lot of positive energy that makes everyone dance.

Salz & Water also accompanies CKW with a media strategy: Decision-making paths in B2B can be long due to many parties involved. To shorten this, the campaign is distributed via several digital channels. The communication tools are tailored to the readiness to receive information and divided into three phases: High-level branding, direct approach to the target group, and invitation to a digital mini-masterclass. The goal of the campaign is to receive as many, qualified contacts as possible from companies and administrations interested in making the leap to e-mobility.

Responsible at CKW: Carlo Schenker (Head of Digital Marketing), Laura Odermatt (Digital Marketing Manager), Heidi Boss (Head of Branding), Jonas Furrer (Head of E-Mobility). Responsible at Salt & Water: Frédéric Praplan, Christian Schickler, Matthias Kadlubsky (overall responsibility), Yoshiya Abiko (creation), Raffael Gava (consulting & project management). Responsible at McQueen Films: Natascha Vavrina (director & DOP), Clemens Kalle Peterson (executive producer), Timon Flükiger (line producer), Marko Strihic (editor), Benjamin Fernando (1st AC), Christof Eser (gaffer), Joel Plattner (grip), Amanda Brooke (H&M/Costume), Jürgen Kupka (Color Grading), Roland Roller Frei (Sound Design & Mix), Ennio Ruschetti (VFX), Ricardo Silva (Online Edit), Maren Wittig (Cast), Joram Weber (Cast).

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