Polyconsult celebrates the round birthday of Interdiscount
In the anniversary campaign for Interdiscount's 50th birthday, the Berne agency Polyconsult asks for a dance.
The fun-loving campaign is designed to get customers in the mood for the anniversary. Young people, lots of moves and urban locations position the brand on the pulse of time. Hitmill realized the corresponding sound.
Since Monday, the campaign can be seen throughout Switzerland on TV, on posters and in the 180 or so Interdiscount stores. At the same time, the "Cracker Weeks" are starting, during which customers can benefit from sensational anniversary offers.
Responsible at Interdiscount: Pierre Wenger (Corporate Director); Marion Pfäffli (Head of Media Planning & Campaigns); Edmond Vereb (Brand Manager). Responsible at Polyconsult: Silvio Truffer (CD); Raphael Gammenthaler (text concept); Caroline Bühler, Anja Durret (consulting). Film and photo production: Shining Film. Music: Hitmill.