Monami for Coop: filling apprenticeship positions with gamification
To fill apprenticeships and reach young people in particular, Monami has launched a new campaign for Coop that focuses on gaming.
"Choose Your Character!": According to this new motto, Coop wants to strengthen the measures to fill more than 3,000 apprenticeship positions in over 30 apprenticeship professions. The agency behind the implementation of the campaign is Monami, which prevailed in a pitch. Until now, Monami has primarily been responsible for Coop's social activities.
The pivotal point of the conceived campaign are five gaming figures representing important occupational fields of Coop. The characters were conceived and implemented by Monami together with Nachtlicht Creative and are representative of Coop's diverse range of apprenticeships. In various advertising materials and with job-specific animations, they actively encourage potential apprentices to decide to start their career at Coop.
The figures were designed in 3D and can be moved and animated for a wide variety of applications. As a result, they can be used in a wide variety of digital advertising media and in mini-games on gaming platforms. But the target group is also to be reached in a playful way at job fairs, via print advertising media or as posters in sales outlets. In the future, it will even be possible to create a larger game with the figures.
Responsible at Coop: Sacha Zuberbühler (Head of Marketing Communications), Vanessa Finzer (Head of Advertising), Luca Schwarz (Head of Advertising Image/Proprietary Brands), Florian Lanovic (Head of Social Media/Campaigning), Simon Flatt (Head of Media), Karin Rieth (Head of Media Classic), Annika Keller (Head of Vocational Training National), Annika Meier (Social Media/Campaigning), Christof Braun (Advertising Image/Proprietary Brands), Lukas Schmid (Senior Project Manager Digital Media), Remo Arnold (Project Coordinator Vocational Training). Responsible at Monami: David Cappellini (overall responsibility, ideation), Tim Schärer (head of creation, implementation), Stefan Erdin (head of innovation, strategy), Max Mottas (art direction), Valentin Mattes (head of video), Saskia Marti (graphics), Luis Balzer (graphics, motion design). Responsible for Nachtlicht: Xaver Wenzinger; Responsible for Kneubühler Events: Sascha Kneubühler. Responsible at Kreisvier: Philipp Kropf (Senior Art Director), Andreas Erfert (Copywriter), Monika Freiburghaus (Account Manager).