Working with the Best" campaign by the Insel Group: Applications every day
With an eye-catching employer branding campaign, the Insel Group positions itself as an attractive employer under the title "Working with the best". Stämpfli Kommunikation is responsible for the concept and implementation.
The Insel Group is Switzerland's largest and leading hospital group for university and integrated medicine. Its current campaign, currently in its second wave, is a response to the shortage of skilled workers that hospitals face in many areas. In the first phase, the focus was on the nursing professions: employees from various nursing departments of the Insel Group talk about their personal experiences in their daily work. The interviews are available in video format on the website switched on. The nursing professionals can also be seen in close-ups with their quotes on large posters in the canton of Bern, as well as on buses and in the social media. In the second phase, which began in mid-September, the campaign was supplemented with employees from the MTT environment - for example, with a speech therapist or a deputy head of the OPZ department.
New applications day after day
"The human aspect and authenticity were very important to us," says Simon Schmid, Head of Marketing at the Insel Group and project manager of the campaign. "The campaign gives our employees visibility, while at the same time showing their high quality and thus also attracting ambitious new professionals." With a quick application, you can express your interest in a job or in the Insel Group on the campaign website without much effort and without administrative hurdles. Experience with this modern application tool has been very positive, says Simon Schmid: "Although there are currently no vacancies on the market, we receive applications every day using this method.
The campaign is very important for the Insel Group, says its president of management, Dr. med. h.c. Uwe E. Jocham. Although we are the largest and most important employer in this industry, we have to be visible and motivate employees to join us. The shortage of personnel has become even more acute in recent months, emphasizes Uwe E. Jocham. "We are currently in a 'war for talents'."
Many reactions
The Insel Group is also able to master the current challenges because its employees are highly committed and perform exceptionally well. From this point of view, the campaign is also the means to make the commitment of the employees visible, says the Head of Marketing, Simon Schmid. The experience of Anne Perrelet, head of the hematology/oncology department at the Insel Children's Hospital, shows that this works. She is one of the eight employees who have their say in the testimonial campaign. She says she is often asked about the posters and the video. "The reactions are mostly positive, even if the claim 'Working with the best' might scare off one or two people."
The President of the Management Board at the "front
Anne Perrelet's statement also had a remarkable effect internally: in the raw version of her interview, the station manager invited the President of the Management Board, Uwe E. Jocham, to her department so that he could see for himself what the shortage of staff means in day-to-day work at the "front". And he didn't have to be asked twice and was deeply touched and impressed by the commitment of the nurses: "It showed me how important the calmness, the charisma and the empathy of the staff are with these 4 to 14-year-old cancer patients." The president of the Insel Group's board of directors had worked in a nursing department himself nearly 40 years ago. "A lot has changed since then, but other things have stayed the same." The evening's visit to the Hematology/Oncology Department reinforced Uwe E. Jocham's conviction that people must be at the center of everything the Insel Group does and of all its projects. For her part, Anne Perrelet thought it was nice that her top boss complied with her request: "The fact that he took this time was very much appreciated."
Simon Schmid has no doubt that the employer branding campaign will help find the employees needed to ensure comprehensive healthcare for patients in the medium and long term. "Thanks to the creative effort, visibility is very high. It makes the Insel Group look close and highly professional at the same time." It's not an 0815 campaign, says Insel Group's head of marketing. "We took a close look at the DACH region in advance, because we wanted to stand out and not run a mainstream campaign - hence the self-confident claim."
Stämpfli Kommunikation is also very pleased with the results of the campaign. "We met incredibly committed Insel Group employees during the development and realization of the campaign," says Rolf Loepfe, head of the communications agency and member of Stämpfli's executive board. "We are pleased that the campaign has the authentic impact we envisioned."
Overall responsibility at Insel Gruppe AG: Simon Schmid (Head of Marketing) and Michael Dürig (Art Director). Responsible at Stämpfli Kommunikation: Rolf Loepfe (Head of Communications Agency, Member of the Executive Board), Benjamin Scheurer (Art Director), Audrey Arnold (Senior Consultant) and Moana Christoph (Consultant). Responsible for photography: Werner Tschan, Studio LTD. Responsible for media planning: Creasquare, Bern.