Hera Zimmermann promotes Tamedia subscription on Gen-Z channels
How do you get under-25s excited about premium media content? The current campaign by Hera Zimmermann Consulting is intended to provide the answer. It promotes Tamedia's new "Youth" subscription.
The "Youth" subscription has just been launched together with Tamedia's All-Access subscription (Werbewoche.ch reported). With short videos on TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram and the dating platform Tinder, the aim is to show Generation Z the personal added value of the new digital "Youth" subscription for the Tages-Anzeiger, the Bernese Newspaper, 24 heures as well as all other Tamedia newspapers. "Gen Z no longer wants to be bombarded with boring promotional content, you have to pick them up where they are and with the language they speak," agency owner Hera Zimmermann is convinced.
The face of the campaign is Chiara Temmel. As a 19-year-old, she acted as the most important idea driver: "Communication often bypasses us young people. If only because the wrong channels are used," says Temmel.
Responsible at Tamedia: Nicolas Baumgartner (Project Management & Project Manager Growth), Samantha Wenger-Sbocchi (Head of Growth), Isabella Wohlwend (Head of Campaigning). Responsible at Hera Zimmermann Consulting: Sebastian Dudli (Project Management & Head of Creative), Hera Zimmermann (Storytelling Expert & Managing Partner), Chiara Temmel (Campaign Face & Trainee), Alexandra Müller (Lead Paid Marketing), Sandro Widrig (Performance Manager).