Ese Agency and Winterthur city bus advertise with Marvel look

In order to attract qualified specialists, Stadtbus Winterthur has given itself a cinematic appearance with an employer branding campaign from Ese Agency. The employees take center stage as heroes - staged with a key visual in the style of Marvel movie posters.

The public transport company relies on teamwork in which all the gears mesh together: From chauffeurs to mechanics and back office staff. The campaign focuses on this solidarity and celebrates the importance of each individual position for the city's mobility. Creative Director Elia Binelli explains: "We used to take the bus to the office every day. That's why we know first-hand what Stadtbus does - and we wanted to communicate that to the job market."

The Hollywood movie theme permeates all elements and touchpoints of the campaign: from advertising posters and social media content to the landing page, which acts as a central job hub. There, interested parties can find out about professions, training and employment conditions and apply directly.

Responsible at Stadtbus Winterthur: Matthias Gerth, Ramona Lüthi. Responsible at Ese Agency: Elia Binelli (responsible agency / contact person), Elia Binelli, Emanuel Ernst, Jessica Gerber, Aline Braun (concept), Severin Gamper, Rozalia Budimir, Ian Weber, Eleonora Trifunovic (production). Photographer: Alessandro Della Bella.

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