Bold: New campaign for Enertea by Rivella
The communication for Rivella's Energy Tee goes into the next round. Together with the agency Bold, the beverage manufacturer is focusing on fresh lifestyle.
Last year, Rivella launched Enertea, an energy drink in the form of caffeinated tea - Energy Tea. Something new for the market of activating drinks, because instead of artificial stimulants and additives, the three varieties of Enertea invigorate purely through the power of nature.
The recipe: lots of power from guayusa, mate or cascara, plus Swiss Alpine herbs. Pure energy, more caffeine, 100 percent natural, organic, vegan, produced in Switzerland. The tea is supposed to be a lifestyle refreshment that fully meets the spirit of the times. This esprit is also to be carried by the new campaign. After the product launch last year, the communication for Enertea is now going into the next round. With a refreshed design, rebranding and a wide-reaching media offensive.
Bold is responsible for the conception and implementation of the new campaign as well as the rebranding of the packaging design. The new campaign will be on air from April 10 on posters, TVC, online and on social media throughout Switzerland.
Responsible at Rivella: Nicolas Hugentobler, Caroline Benz, Désirée Koller. Agency: Bold. Production: boom creative studio. Producer: Annina Zimmermann. Director: Felix Umarov. Dop/photographer: Vitaly Zaytsev. Audio: Bloop Studio. Grading: Our Colors.