Agency at the airport provides a reminder of the Glattalbahn
To remind SMEs in the Glattal region of the advertising opportunities on the streetcars of VBG lines 10 and 12, the agency developed a personally addressed direct mailing at the airport.
By means of a specially developed memory game along the route of the Galattal, the exceptionally high recall values that can be achieved with streetcar advertising were brought into focus.
Responsible at VBZ TrafficMedia: Alija Idriz (Head of VBZ TrafficMedia), Daniel Andres (Sales Manager VBZ TrafficMedia), Serge Nater (Product Management VBZ TrafficMedia). Responsible at VBG Verkehrsbetriebe Glattal: Tino Kunz (Head of Marketing and Communications). Responsible at agency at the airport: René Eugstair (Creative Direction), Dominique Rutishauser (Art Direction), Valeria Hörler (Graphics), Miriam Egli (Text/Consulting).