Virtual reality game trains the use of hygiene products
Medical technology company B. Braun Medical uses virtual reality to train employees and customers on the correct use of hygiene products.
The VR/AR specialists at Bandara have developed the virtual reality game "Germbusters", in which you take on the role of a nurse. In a virtual hospital, you have the task of measuring the blood pressure of two patients while observing hygiene measures. This means, for example, that you have to disinfect your hands when entering the room or wipe the blood pressure monitor with a disinfectant cloth after use. If you forget one of these measures, bacteria and viruses will spread in the room - game over!
To make use as simple and intuitive as possible, the application can be operated via hand tracking - i.e. without a controller. In this way, buttons can be pressed, objects picked up, or even hands rubbed together for disinfection. During the
hand disinfection, an adapted version ("soundalike") of the theme tune from "Ghostbusters" is played - with the aim that you take this catchy tune from the virtual to the real hospital and thus always keep to the specified time of 15 seconds.