Black Friday: Half of Swiss people don't want to buy anything

Shortly before the biggest discount battle of the year, Salesforce investigated who the bargain hunters in Switzerland actually are - and how much they plan to buy.

Image: Ashkan Forouzani; Unsplash.

A recent, representative survey on shopping plans on Black Friday, conducted on behalf of Salesforce in Switzerland, shows: Above all, Generation Z is particularly keen to shop. A third of 15 to 29-year-olds are planning to do more shopping this year than last year and see Black Friday as a correspondingly attractive occasion. French-speaking Swiss, on the other hand, are more hesitant to use the discount campaign, which originated in the USA, for purchases than the comparable group of German-speaking Swiss.

Shortly before the start of the Christmas shopping season, the desire to shop in Switzerland tends to be on the back burner and the results from the latest Salesforce survey confirm the general tenor of the economy. 39 percent of respondents say they intend to buy fewer products than last year. People with lower household incomes in particular are consuming significantly less. When asked how their general purchasing behavior compares to last year, the youngest age group (15 to 29-year-olds) bucked the trend and showed an increased propensity to buy. One in three (34%) of the younger generation is even planning to shop more or much more this year, and one in four would also like to make greater use of Black Friday.

Black Friday well known, but only moderately used

97 percent of all respondents are familiar with Black Friday. Last year, however, only around one in five of those surveyed took advantage of Black Friday offers, with people with higher incomes and in the 30 to 44 age group making more purchases in comparison. However, the trend shows that those who generally consume more this year also plan to make more purchases on Black Friday. Nevertheless, half of the people surveyed are not planning to buy anything on Black Friday this year either. The most common reason given for no or less consumption is that they don't need anything at the moment (59%) or that they want to consume less (28%). Reduced consumption tends to be more pronounced in French-speaking Switzerland (39%) than in German-speaking Switzerland (24%).

Furthermore, Black Friday offers are seen as having little authenticity: A third of respondents who do not want to make greater use of Black Friday meet them with skepticism (33%). 19 percent of respondents say they want to consume less for environmental reasons (climate protection). Inflation is cited by 12% as a reason why they do not want to take advantage of more Black Friday offers this year. In addition, end-of-season sales, such as those after Christmas, are clearly more popular for the Swiss than Black Friday.

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